WHILE YOU MIGHT rack your brain trying to predict what the most popular beers in the world are – Bloomberg has only gone and calculated them for you.
Here is their top 10 list from around the globe, including country of origin and market share:
10. Coors Light (US) – 1.3%
9. Brahma (Brazil) – 1.5%
8. Harbin (China) – 1.5%
7. Heineken (Netherlands) – 1.5%
6. Yanjing (China) – 1.9%
5. Skol (Brazil) – 2.2%
4. Budweiser (US) – 2.3%
3. Bud Light (US) – 2.5%
2. Tsingtao (China) – 2.8%
1. Snow (China) – 5.4% of world market share
And no sign of Guinness anywhere near the top 10. In fact, only one European brew gets into the list. What happened to Guinness’ global reach?
We demand an inquiry.
How many have you tried? Have you even heard of the top spot? Let us know in the comments.