Dublin: 6 °C Thursday 20 March, 2025

21 little things to thank your mam for this Mother's Day

Cheers for bringing us into the world AND putting up with us after.

1. Being a receptive ear to your tales of woe. Coming down with a cold? You poor pet. Bad day at work? Ah that’s terrible

2. But at the same time, telling you to buck up and stop moaning

3. Forcing you to go to the doctor/dentist when you definitely weren’t going to do so

4. Clutching at your hand before you cross the road, even though you’re firmly into adulthood

5. Making you eat your vegtables all those years ago

6. Not completely losing the rag that time you had a monumental tantrum at age 14 because she didn’t approve of you seeing that lad Paul

7. Being 100% right about that lad Paul

8. Calling when you’re on the train home to see if you want a bit of dinner left for you to have when you get in

9. Sending you random but delightful pictures of the family pet on Whatsapp

10. Saving articles from the paper she thought you’d like to read

11. Texting you to say there’s a letter for you and would you like her to open it?

12. All those lifts she gave you to training and piano lessons and friends’ houses

13. That supernatural sense she has of where you left that thing you suddenly can’t find

14. Discovering Facebook and subsequently commenting “My lovely son/daughter!” every time you change your profile picture

15. Remembering all your friends’ names, even the ones she’s never met

16. Cooking a boat load of sausages for you and your mates the morning after a night out

17. Sending you back up on the train with at least three tubs of leftovers

18. Talking you through key adult skills, like how to use a washing machine, over the phone

19. Gazing appreciatively at your outfit for a wedding/night out, saying “Well aren’t you all style?”, and making you feel like a million dollars

20. Never fully accepting you calling your flat ‘home’

21. And loving us through the meltdowns, expensive orthodontics, and terrible teenage years. Thank you, mams!

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