1. This mum with a big question
2. This mum with a new phone and a sense of pride
3. This mum who wrote a text, then accidentally started talking to Siri
4. This mum whose emoji game is stronger than her eyesight
5. This mum who is confused by both the internet and Dax Shepherd
6. This mum who just discovered the microphone button
(If you can’t see the full thing, click here.)
7. This mum who is not super familiar with the work of Queen
8. This mum who is still getting to grips with predictive text
9. This mum who has got updates.
10. This mum who just needs an answer, no pleasantries
11. This mum with lazy fingers
12. This mum who just needs to know her child is on the ball
13. This mum who is cuming
14. This mum who is so proud hashtag tears
15. And this mum whose questions cannot wait