WHICH NEW MOVIE release is worth the price of a cinema ticket this weekend?
We’re here to help you decide just that, with these trailers.
(Warner Bros Pictures/YouTube)
For fans of: Space, the final frontier
Avoid if: You get motion sick easily
Whoa now. This has Oscar-winning big-budget blockbuster written all over it, but it also looks like it would make for a mighty fine night at the cinema. Sandra Bullock and George Clooney star as two astronauts who find themselves lost in space after a disastrous spacewalk. Agh!
- RottenTomatoes.com critics rating: 97 per cent. Audience rating: 87 per cent
Seduced and Abandoned
For fans of: Money, film
Avoid if: You think art and money shouldn’t mix
This is a pretty self-referential look at what happens when filmmakers try to get funding for a film in Cannes. But it’s got a scene with Ryan Gosling in it, so we’ll watch it. Essentially, it’s James Toback and Alec Baldwin canvassing a lot of big names to finance their movie, giving a look into how Hollywood ticks.
- RottenTomatoes.com critics rating: 87 per cent. Audience rating: 99 per cent want to see
For Those in Peril
For fans of: The young man and the sea
Avoid if: You can’t swim
A young Scottish man is the sole survivor after a fishing trip goes wrong, and on his return he’s haunted by what happened – and the loss of his brother. He’s blamed for the tragedy, and deals with his grief by trying to recover his dead sibling.
- RottenTomatoes.com critics rating: 93 per cent. Audience rating: 100 per cent want to see