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VIDEO: Your weekend movies - natural disasters and grumpy grandparents

Cinema trip this weekend? brings you snippets from new releases to help you decide where to put your money…
Dec 27th 2012, 8:30 PM 6,392 5

WHICH NEW MOVIE release is worth the price of a cinema ticket this weekend?

We’re here to help you decide just that, with the help of these trailers.

The Impossible


For fans of: Families being wrenched apart by terrible natural disasters, nail-biting, emotional torture

Avoid if: You don’t like tragedy, death or Ewan McGregor in swimming trunks

Telling the true tale of what happened to a family after they got caught up in the tragic 2004 Southeast Asia tsunami, this trailer does rely on us knowing a lot of facts about the event…  but then basically goes and tells us everything that happens after that.

Call us old-fashioned, but a bit of mystery would have made us want to see this all the more. Still, it looks like an emotional action movie – directed by Juan Antonio Bayona (The Orphanage) – for those who love their tragic natural disaster tales.

Jack Reacher


For fans of: Tom ‘Ageless’ Cruise, car chases, ex-army cops out for justice

Avoid if: You’re squeamish, you find violence ‘icky’, you can’t get this Tom Cruise interview out of your head

Tom Cruise is a lot of things, but in this film (based on the series by British author Lee Child), he’s Jack Reacher, an ex-army cop who’s out to find justice for a man he says was framed for murder. Along the way, a good-looking female colleague (Rosamund Pike as Helen Rodin) gets kidnapped too, just to make things more interesting for him. Not so interesting for her though, as is such films’ wont – Bechdel Test, anyone?

With lots of shots of a brooding Cruise, lines like ‘I am not a hero’, and a few vintage car chases in there for good measure, it looks like a violent yet entertaining romp.

Parental Guidance


Some things can always be depended on: That Bette Middler will always have big hair and a big voice, that Billy Crystal will always be a loveable grump, and that any film involving adults bonding with children is guaranteed to go horribly wrong.

Parental Guidance sees old-school grandparents trying to bond with their daughter’s children, with predictable results. Probably good for a few laughs after Christmas, but some might find it about as fun as a kick to the groin from a grandchild.

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Aoife Barry


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