You have finally found and secured an apartment after weeks of trawling through the internet and going to viewings every evening. The hard part is over, right?
No. Not at all.
If you have moved recently, you can tick off each of these painful stages:
1. Realising that you have way more stuff than you thought
Where did all this stuff come from, and how will I move it? You had no idea that you were a hoarder at heart. There are cupboards full of things you forgot you even owned. Can you just cull it all? Probably not.
2. Finding things that will fill you with beautiful nostalgia
Oh, that night in Dicey’s happened. The best thing about receipts when you’re clearing stuff out is that they give you a precise time and date for the event. No detailed memory needed.
3. Losing stuff and having no idea where it could possibly go
Things will get misplaced, even though you know you put it in the box. Unless it fell out of the car on the way over to the new place, it will forever remain a mystery.
4. Signing the contract will make you anxious for no reason
You forgot that there was actual paperwork to do when moving somewhere. What are you, a lawyer? Sigh *ignores small print*
5. Constantly driving back and forth to the new place is a hassle
Given you have so much stuff and you can’t possibly throw any of it out, you will spend a full weekend driving back and forth to the new place because suddenly your car is miniature and can’t hold much stuff.
6. You get sad leaving behind the old apartment*
*unless you hated it – then you’re delighted.
7. Finding out things about the new area right after moving in
“So you’re telling me there is no chipper in the area? This should have been clearly specified on the ad.”
8. Your new local is a scary and intimidating place
You don’t know the bartender by name. How are you supposed to get a proper drink around here? Everything has changed, changed utterly.
9. Carrying things all day, every day starts to irritate you
Yeah, it’s an essential part of moving – but that doesn’t make the 14th box any easier to carry.
10. You have to get used to a new landlord and how they run things
What? They want the rent on time every month? Well, alright.
11. When you’re finally done moving, you have to clean your old place properly
Sure, it was clean before – but not somebody new is moving in levels of clean.
12. And now you are left with one empty apartment to re-populate with your things
Everything is going to be alright, we promise.