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This Irish guy asked the internet for advice about moving to LA and got the best responses

Poor David.

pulpfiction Source: Mentalfloss

EARLIER THIS WEEK, one Irish guy went on to the Los Angeles section of Reddit to ask a fairly innocuous question.

Little did he know it would turn into some serious antics.

User iamdavid2 just had a quick question for the community:

reddit Source: Reddit

Seems grand.

But it was the last line of his question that would be his downfall.

Everyone that replied to him just recycled classic movie plots as if they were real life

Crime is pretty bad, tbh. I live in a nice townhouse and the other night, I got jumped by 2 thugs. They broke in and were waiting, I didn’t have to go to the hospital or anything but one of them peed on my rug because I guess I didn’t have anything worthwhile to steal. I’m wondering if it was mistaken identity, but either way, I’m bummed about my rug. My car was also stolen once, they stole a briefcase full of papers but left the tape deck. Strange things happen out here, man.

First up was The Big Lebowski.

big-lebowski-drink-swirl Source: Gifrific

Of course, it wasn’t the most obvious reference, so David hadn’t a breeze:

I mean you hear of so many people going there to work where i’m from(Ireland) I just can’t believe crime is such an issue. Is there just a huge divide in rich and poor?

The next response was equally as helpful

It’s pretty rough. Just to give you an idea, I was having breakfast at a diner this morning and this couple decided to rob the place. They went around and took everybody’s cell phone and wallet (except for one guy’s) and put them into a bag and left. And this was after I saw a car driving down the street with blood all over the back windows.

giphy-1 Source: Wordpress

This was worrying news for David:

Please tell me you’re fucking with me.

But there was time for a few more excellent references, as the locals kept the joke running

It has its good and bad not gonna lie. One time I was on the Red Line and all of a sudden it came to a screeching halt in the middle of the tunnel. They said there was lava up ahead and the city just got hit by a volcano. We had to be evacuated and run for our dear lives. It was the absolute worst

Original Cinema Quad Poster - Movie Film Posters Source: Tamilgun

David really started to wonder what he was getting himself into here:

I honestly feel like this sub-reddit is just fucking with me. How can it be “movie central” if all this stuff is going on?

But it was this response that made him finally cop

I don’t know what to tell you. Just yesterday I saw 2 rival gangs about to start a dance shoot off, one member of the bloods kept singing “Just beat it” while he was dancing. I think he might have won, not sure, it was too unsafe to watch the whole thing

tumblr_n7rh9fDfZo1r5mbvpo1_500 Source: Tumblr

It dawned on him:

I know it’s sad but this is the comment that made me realize I’m an idiot. Hours after the original post.

Once the thread blew up, everyone took some gentle enjoyment in David’s lack of awareness for some famous plots and started giving him some proper advice.

And somebody reminded him that it was all down to his own question:

To be fair, you asked if it was like the movies

To which David responded:

Yeah, I guess I’ve only myself to blame.
I just didn’t think ye would.. take it like that.

He’s probably relieved as much as anything.

Best of luck over there, David, they’re bound to sounder in real life.

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About the author:

David Elkin

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