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Badass Mrs Hudson was the best thing about season four of Sherlock


Sherlock S4 - Ep3 Source: BBC/Hartswood Films/Robert Viglasky

LAST NIGHT, THE fourth season of Sherlock came to an end in a thrilling, action-packed final episode.

*Spoilers for all of season 4, including The Final Problem, below. Do not pass Moriarty, do not collect €200*

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Reaction has been mixed to the fourth season of the detective series, which was light on mystery-solving and heavy on headspinning plot twists.

The finale, ominously titled The Final Problem, was about 90% excellent – it centred on the mystery third Holmes sibling, Eurus, who is of course also a genius, but of the evil variety.

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After putting Sherlock, Mycroft and John through a Saw-like chamber of horrors (complete with still-dead Moriarty supplying pre-recorded video messages), it actually turned out that all she ever wanted was for her brothers to play with her. Cue groans:

A divisive episode and season, but what everyone can agree on was that Mrs Hudson (played wonderfully by Una Stubbs) truly came into her own.

She knows exactly how to bring the lads back down to earth

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I mean, he knows you’re an idiot, but that’s OK, cos you’re a lovely doctor.

The car chase. Just all of that

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Three things:

1) Mrs Hudson has a flashy sports car (she is the widow of a drug dealer, you know);
2) She didn’t realise she was speeding because she was “on the phone”;
3) She kidnapped Sherlock by snatching his gun off him and locking him up with his own handcuffs, which she claims she “borrowed before”.


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Every time she sassed Mycroft

In the second episode, Mrs Hudson made it very clear how she felt about Sherlock’s older brother.

hudsonmycroft Source: Tumblr

She didn’t get much of a showing in the finale, but when she did, she was making sure Mycroft knew his place again:

cup of tea Source: Twitter

He’s not been forgiven yet, so.

And the hoovering to Iron Maiden

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Oh Martha Louise Hudson, you’re a never-ending surprise.

If this is it for Sherlock as a series (as many fans suspect it is), we need to know that Mrs Hudson has her own spin off. Or at least make this annual a reality.

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