THE UNIVERSITY OF North Texas is one of the State’s largest colleges and, with its distinctive green logo, it goes by the acronym UNT.
Recently, they introduced their 125th anniversary coffee mug.
But they really didn’t think through the design
Yes, the handle has turned this into a distinctly NSFW word.
Once it was tweeted out by this novelist last week, the mug’s internet popularity has exploded
It made it to Imgur – where it’s racked up nearly 200,000 views – and loads of huge Twitter accounts have seen its comedic potential
It must be nice for the students to see their college go global
A brief check on the University’s listings page to purchase the mug shows that it’s recently been taken down
They’ve either sold out of the thing thanks to its popularity or they have realised the error of their ways.
Whatever happened, they’ll probably be positioning the UNT over the other side of the mug next time.