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This mam is going viral for calling out 3 'mean girls' she overheard in a café

“You are smart and you are pretty. It would take nothing from you to also be kind.”

THIS IS MICHELLE Icard, a mother and parenting expert who helps other parents handle their teenage children.

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Last week, she overheard three teenage girls in Starbucks complaining about their classmates, and wrote on her Facebook page:

So far they have laughed about 1) a girl who wrote a song for the talent show about being lonely (“She is so weird!”) 2) the crappy presents they have gotten in the past from friends 3) the girls who copy them (the worst) and just now, how “Catherine wanted to be the lead singer but we took a vote and everyone wanted me instead so sorry Catherine you can be the manager.”

“It is taking all my restraint to keep from exploding so I’m complaining to [Facebook] instead,” she continued.

Inspired by another Facebook user, Icard decided to write a quick note to the girls about their behaviour, and delivered it along with another round of coffees.

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Hi Girls! I sat near you today in Starbucks and listened as you talked. You three are obviously pretty and hard-working. I wish your kindness matched your pretty exteriors. I heard you talk about a girl who sang a song about being lonely in the talent show – and you laughed. About a girl who couldn’t be lead singer because you got all the votes, about crappy presents other people have given you… and you sounded so mean and petty.

“You are smart and you are pretty. It would take nothing from you to also be kind.”

Icard posted the note on Facebook, where it attracted thousands of shares and quite a bit of debate. While some people are commending her for speaking up, others are wondering if she should have minded her own business.

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Others still are asking why she focused on the girls’ appearance in the note – Icard explained her reasoning to the Chicago Tribune:

I think it’s an important part of the story. I think that’s the way a lot of girls hide their bad behaviour, by fitting in perfectly physically.

What do you think – was she right to call out the girls’ behaviour?

Poll Results:

Yes, it was a good thing to do (1556)
No, she should have minded her own business (589)

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