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A new mum got this letter begging her to stop talking about her baby on Facebook

We expect a lot of people will agree.

CONSTANT BABY TALK on Facebook is something that rubs a LOT of people up the wrong way. But would you ever be annoyed enough to send a letter like this?

First-time mum Jade Ruthven from Perth, Australia was sent an angry missive from anonymous ‘Facebook friends’ begging her to stop her “running commentary” of her life on the social networking site.

173842-8b8d4236-e241-11e4-b60a-424ceb2f883c Source: Facebook/Em Rusciano

Some of the more paranoia-inducing statements:

I have got together with a few of the girls and we are all SO OVER your running commentary of your life and everything [the baby] does… She crawls off the mat – we DON’T CARE!!!! She’s six months old – BIG DEAL!!!!
We can’t wait for you to get back to work – maybe you won’t have time to be on Facebook quite so much… We’re doing this to let you know what people really think.

The letter started to go viral after Australian comedian Em Rusciano shared it on her Facebook page, calling it “the complaint letter that takes bitching to the next level”.

shutterstock_115992457 Source: Shutterstock/Max Bukovski

Ruthven told the Daily Mail Australia that receiving the letter was like a “slap in the face” but has vowed to continue posting as many updates and photos of her baby as she likes.

Not exactly the result the letter-writers were expecting, but remember everyone, the block button is your friend.


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