1. This classic misunderstanding.
2. This inspiring headline about a man helping a bird in its hour of need.
3. This tweet from Hulk Hogan telling people not to “boo who” because this is America, brother.
4. This wholly unnecessary kitchen implement.
5. This photo of President Donald Trump feasting on McDonald’s and Diet Coke while wearing a flag pin.
7. The opening line to this article.
8. This humongous Snickers bar
9. This.
10. This special offer.
11. This tweet.
12. These charming corn skewers.
13. This frozen section.
14. This headline that encompasses three of America’s favourite things – religion, fast food and headlines.
15. This extremely patriotic can.
Thank you, Budweiser.
16. This “American Pride” deodorant
17. And finally… President Donald Trump on WWE