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My first kiss went something like this...

If you got the shift when you were a teenager, it probably happened in one of these seven places.

If you grew up in Ireland, you're first kiss definitely did not look like this.
If you grew up in Ireland, you're first kiss definitely did not look like this.
Image: Young Couple in Love via Shutterstock

THE BIKE SHED was the popular ‘first kiss’ cliché in television programmes we watched as youngsters, when the hormones were raging and fair-head boys with step haircuts and sallow skin or Kelly Kapowski (depending on your preferences) were the stuff of dreams.

But things were different on this side of the water. Kissing in school wasn’t really an option for most of us stuck in single-sex institutions. Which only meant we had to be more inventive about our snogging.

If you were lucky (unlucky?) enough to get the shift during your teenage years, it was probably in one of these seven places:

The Local Underage Disco

Depending on how prepared the other party to the kiss was, you either got a mouth swishing of Polo mint or a face-full of Cheese ‘n’ Onion Tayto.

The quietest corner in the local GAA clubhouse

I am not giving anything away here by saying that underneath the stage was the spot in our local club. Of course, it didn’t have to be the GAA – popular kissing spots were also found at the nearby swimming pool, the football fields or the tennis courts if you’re from somewhere fancy. Notions.

Your neighbour’s front room

This was popular answer among TheJournal.ie staff after a quick survey (no names, so don’t ask). There were many problems with this location choice though:

a) parents usually hadn’t strayed too far;

b) there are usually other people in the room;

c) people outside can see through the blinds/curtains.

The Back of the Village Hall

Maybe during the annual parish show after a can of Fanta?

The Big Field/Farm

A popular choice until the farmer got annoyed and shot pellets at you, stopping young love dead in its tracks. True story.

On the stairs of a house party

“On the stairs, at a house party.  Later found out he had a girlfriend.” – Anonymous, TheJournal.ie. It is sad when first love doesn’t work out.

The Graveyard

A surprisingly popular choice among pre-teens and teens across the country in the 1980s and 1990s. Well, we always have had a morbid fascination with death, eh?

(YouTube Credit: lsuperparal)

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