IT’S GOOD WORK if you can get it. You’ll just need to start up a wildly successful Youtube channel aimed at kids and watch the cash roll in.
The highest-earning Youtube account of 2014, bringing in over €4 million in revenue, was a channel called DC ToysCollector - which shows the hands of an anonymous woman unwrapping toys and talking about them.
Given that most of the popular Youtube accounts are personality-based in their nature – the news that the account that made the most money in 2014 is completely anonymous is something of a surprise.
According to analytics company OpenSlate, which estimates YouTube earnings based on a formula of total monthly views and subscriptions, DC ToysCollector earned €4.32 million in 2014 – giving it the distinction of being the top earning Youtube channel in the world last year.
Her latest video shows her “unboxing the new Disney Frozen Fashems Squishy Fashion Elsa Toy”:
It has received almost one million views since going up last Friday. The channel has over 3.5 million subscribers, features over 1,600 videos and gets 380 million views a month. The channel is mostly subscribed to by parents, clicking on the videos for their children to watch.
There have been many investigations into who exactly is behind the mega popular channel – with the New York Times claiming it to be 21-year-old Brazilian Melissa Lima, who lives in New York. Buzzfeed, however, claim it is likely to be a 43-year-old Brazilian woman who lives near DisneyWorld in Florida.
There is still no definitive knowledge of who she is – as she keeps everything on the channel 100% anonymous.
The rest of the top 10 most profitable channels are somewhat less surprising, with Taylor Swift’s VEVO and PewDiePie featuring.