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7 reasons why Nadiya MUST win the Great British Bake Off

Here be SPOILERS from last night’s episode, in case you haven’t caught up yet.

8948662-low_res-the-great-british-bake-off Source: BBC/Love Productions/Mark Bourdillon

IT WAS GLORIOUS Chocolate Week last night on the Great British Bake Off, and with Flora’s exit, the four semi-finalists were whittled down to three. Yep, it’s GBBO final time, already.

We’ve examined the evidence, and we’ve surmised that out of the three remaining, only one contestant is the deserving winner. And that contestant is Nadiya. Why? Well.

1. Let’s just get this out of the way – her facial expressions are an absolute scream

When she came last in the technical challenge:

CQLXR6oWsAAGaQ4 Source: Twitter/@jmikemac

When another contestant got too emotional for her liking:

CMy6HJCUcAEGUex Source: Twitter/@digitalspy

When Paul got over-zealous while filling his cream horn:

creamhorn Source: BBC

2. She didn’t start out too well on the show

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For the first four weeks, she stayed in the middling pool of bakers, neither truly impressing nor disappointing the judges.

3. But she’s completely owning the final stages

tumblr_nv5cbgSJKs1syxipso1_540 Source: Tumblr

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She’s been named Star Baker the last two weeks in a row (and has three to her name all together) is acing pretty much all of the challenges, and her chocolate tart actually earned a handshake from Paul Hollywood last night. What a turnaround!

4. And she’s not got complacent at all

When her technical bake went awry in last night’s episode, she broke down in tears and was convinced she’d be going home, despite coming out tops in the signature.

Don’t cry Nadiya! Our hearts can’t take it :(

5. Please, look at her showstoppers

CNaK-reXAAA2Ei2 Source: Twitter/@meetinleeds

Yes, that’s a floating soft drink can.

CQL2uoIWoAk6piH Source: Twitter/@vintagesindygal

Yes, that’s a peacock made of chocolate.

CMzJvxBWwAAbYIB Source: Twitter/@DeanMM85

Yes, that’s a snake made of bread.

6. People already want to buy whatever book she eventually brings out, for god’s sake

Is there a pre-pre-pre-order list we can sign? No?

7. And this is how she makes everyone feel

tumblr_nusihm1lPf1ra6q05o1_400 Source: Tumblr

If that’s not a glowing endorsement, we don’t know what is. NADIYA TO WIN!

Previously: The cream horn challenge took the Great British Bake Off to new heights of innuendo>

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