FORGET THE TEENAGERS who achieved 600 points yesterday.
The real star of yesterday’s Leaving Cert results was the humble naggin.
Yes, the only rite of passage more important than actually getting your Leaving Cert results is celebrating them with a naggin.
As Ireland’s teens demonstrated…
It was the must-have accessory of Leaving Cert 2015.
Teenagers certainly had their priorities right
Some youngsters had the honour of losing their naggin virginity.
But poor Mams all over the country were perplexed.
“You just don’t understand, Mam!”
There were celebrations. #ChampoLeague
And some even enjoyed a naggin in solidarity with all the other LC huns!
In short, it was all NAGGINS NAGGINS NAGGINS
But the most important naggin tweet of the day? This plea to the State Examinations Commission.
Get on it, SEC.