A GIRL WHO dressed as a bottom-less ‘naked Pope’ to pass out condoms at a university event has angered Catholic bishops in the area.
The student shaved her pubic hair into the shape of a cross, witnesses at Carnegie Mellon university told local news station KDKA.
Photos of the march show her wearing a bishop’s mitre and red cloth across her shoulders, but naked below the waist.
The Catholic diocese of Pittsburgh has called on the university to take action over the incident. Bishop David Zubik said:
I think we all know that when we’re growing up we do stupid things but to cross over the line in this instance shouldn’t happen.
In a statement to the Huffington Post, the university said it was reviewing the incident, adding: “If our community standards or laws were violated, we will take appropriate action.”
The student donned her costume for the university’s “Anti-Gravity Downhill Derby“, which took place on April 18.