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Beautiful National Geographic photos of much-loved animals and pets

From cats to cattle.


The photos are a selection from the National Geographic, Your Shot  ’Animals We Love’ project which invites readers to submit images depicting their passion for animals and photography.

Schaefer's Dream We keep our 113-pound Lab out of our daughter's room (swallowing a pair of underpants got him banished), but getting up on her bed is one of his little pleasures in life. Perhaps surrounding him with treats would complete his idea of heaven. Or if he can't reach them....a nightmare. Source: Mike Melnotte

Cat's Tansporter Cat lover carrying his pets through the Hiroshima streets. Source: juan fontaine

Orphan amazonian manatee 15 years ago I rescued and hand raised two orphan antillean manatees, since then I have not stopped working with those amazing and gentle animals. Source: Luis Eduardo Sandoval Bavaresco

Primal Instinct  Or Perhaps our cat Sonic was just too old, or too lazy to care about primal instinct. Or perhaps, Rosy the Rat was too blind, or too naive to worry about fear. Or perhaps... there are no rules when it comes to love within a family. Source: Meg Kumin

Untitled Source: Margherita Vitagliano

My friends - My cows Having a sick cow in the herd affects any farmer deeply and even though this farmer has over 400 head of cattle, he can quickly asses which are sick and bring these out for treatment - he knows every single one, he raised every one of them. To calm his cows during treatment, he sits on it. Source: Henrik Kaarsholm

Feeding koÔs with a baby bottle In Asia, it is a common sight to see people feed golden fish like we feed pigeons in Europe - the idea is to create harmonious shapes by throwing food in chosen spots - or to have fun. Baby bottle fish feeding is a popular attraction. Source: StÈphanie Amaudruz

Old Milo Old Milo doesn't bark much, he just likes staring at you like Robert De Niro. Source: B. Yen

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About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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