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Are these 9 amazing photos good enough for National Geographic?

See what you think.

CHAMELEONS IN MADAGASCAR, bears in Alaska and Jesus in Rio….

Here’s just a small selection of entries so far to the National Geographic Traveller Photo Contest 2014.

Photographers from all over the world are submitting their best work for the contest, which is open until the end of June.

Feast your eyes…

Floating Car,  Uyuni, Bolivia

Floating car - 2014-04-02_242737_outdoor-scenes.jpg "Salar de Uyuni is miracle. I was so moved of this landscape. I walked away from the car and took this photo with complete silence" Source: Takashi Nakagawa/National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest

Waiting for a Kiss, Andasibe, Madagascar

Waiting for a Kiss - 2014-04-14_245327_spontaneous-moments.jpg Source: Barbara Dall'Angelo/National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest

Morning Swim, Perth, Australia

Morning Swim - 2014-04-10_244519_spontaneous-moments.jpg "These ladies are past 80 years old and swim together every day in the morning at Cottesloe Beach in Perth, Australia" Source: Robert McPherson/National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest

Cub Scouts Honour, Chigmit Mountains, Alaska

04 Cub Scouts Honor "While watching her mother dive for salmon in the frigid glacier water of the Crescent River this young brown bear cub couldn’t contain her excitement and stood up on her rear legs and politely made a waving direction towards me. In a matter of one hour this young cub ate several salmon that were provided by her intelligent and fearless mother. Deep in the Alaskan wilderness this brown bear family provided my favourite image of the year" Source: Kevin Dietrich/National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest

Solitary Fisherman, Silisarh Lake, Kishanpur, Rajasthan, India

Solitary Fisherman - 2014-04-16_245667_sense-of-place.jpg "They do fishing every single day. They spread the net in the lake and wait for the fish to stuck to it. They collect all the fishes and send them to city" Source: Debajit Bose/National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest

Chameleon on the Walk, Baobab Alley, Madagascar

Chameleon on the walk - 2014-04-20_246639_spontaneous-moments.jpg "Chameleons are amazing lizards. Their vision, walking or hunting skills are one of the worlds top extraordinary things most people know about. We found this one walking on the road at the Baobabs Alley on west cost of Madagascar. This species is one of the large ones, you can find the smallest on the other side of Madagascar in tropical forests" Source: Robert Hradil/National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest

Downstairs, Stockholm, Sweden

Downstairs - 2014-04-22_247206_sense-of-place.jpg "Travelling with Stockholm’s Underground is also a art sightseeing tour!" Source: Torsten Muehlbacher/National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest

One Eye On You, Kuwait

One eye on you - 2014-04-08_244192_spontaneous-moments.jpg "Short-eared owl in stretching and relaxing mode in Kuwait natural reserve" Source: Mohd Khorshid/National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest

A Question of Faith, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

A question of Faith - 2014-04-11_244846_sense-of-place.jpg "A different view of the Christ the Redeemer at the top of Corcovado, in Rio de Janeiro, appearing from a cloudy shroud" Source: Pedro Moura Pinheiro/National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest

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About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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