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A national school in Galway helped this postman deliver the most mysterious parcel

One town. One cat.

stannins Source: Facebook

AN POST HAVE a long and distinguished track record of getting letters and parcels to their destination no matter the obstacles.

Like letters addressed to “yer man Henderson” and “ya know yer wan” are just some recent examples of their fine work.

On Wednesday, a postman in Galway was stumped by a particularly mysterious parcel sent to Rosscahill.

He couldn’t handle it himself, so he went ot St Annin’s National School to see if they could help him out

rosscahil Source: Facebook

Yes, someone had sent “Sam” the cat a parcel, and everyone really wanted to get to the bottom of it.

Sam didn’t belong to the school, so they took to Facebook to figure it out:

Do you know Sam the cat? Contact us here at St Annins if you do and we will help Postman Pat unite this cat with his parcel.

And the plea for help took on a life of its own – as the post was shared hundreds of times and the hunt for Sam around Rosscahill began.

Yesterday, there was a break in the story – Sam had been located, and the package delivered successfully

rosscahil2 Source: Facebook

The school wrote:

Good news everybody! We believe that following you all sharing and liking our post Sam the cat has been located and the parcel delivered. Many thanks to all of you.

What a community effort.

Now we just have to discuss who was sending packages to a cat with no address… that’s the next mystery.

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About the author:

David Elkin

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