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Are You On Santa's Naughty Or Nice List?

Will you be getting coal in your stocking? Find out in advance here.

Source: Sam Howzit

HE’S MAKING A list. He’s checking it twice. And this is what Santa is looking at when he decides if you’ve been naughty or nice.

Answer honestly, now…

1. How many sickies have you pulled this year?
One, but only because I was too hungover to function

Between 2 and 5
Can't immediately remember
2. Which of these most resembles your last Facebook status?
3. Did you make an ice bucket challenge video?
Made a video, didn't donate
Didn't make a video, donated anyway

No video, no donation
Made a video AND donated
4. How do you respond when greeted by charity muggers?
Eamonn and James Clarke/EMPICS Entertainment
Make up an excuse that everyone knows is a lie, but at least it saves face
Awkwardly say 'sorry' and hurry past

Stop and see what they're all about
Eyes front, head down, point blank ignore
5. Where did you fart in 2014?
In a lift
In a crowded pub

In a bed you were sharing with someone else
All of these and more

None of the above
6. You're due 1c change in a shop. What do you do?
Wait awkwardly, then pocket it
Wait awkwardly, then put it in the charity box

Walk away awkwardly
7. How often did you call your mam this year, on average?
Most days
Twice a week or more

About once a week
Once a fortnight or less

Not applicable
8. Over the last 12 months, how many times have you said 'we should go for a pint sometime' without meaning it?
9. Which of these things have you done on social media in the last year?
Posted a photo of your food
Liked your own Facebook status or favourited your own tweet

Posted a selfie in which you secretly think you look great
Accidentally hit 'like' while deep-stalking someone

None of the above
10. Have you done all your chores?
Answer all the questions to see your result!
You scored out of !
Hooray! You're on Santa's nice list!
Ho ho ho! You've been good all year - or at least mostly - and now comes your reward. Happy Christmas!
Share your result:
You scored out of !
Oh dear. You're on Santa's naughty list...
You did WHAT? We've checked, and you're right there on the naughty list. Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear.
Share your result:

More: How Much of a Sap Are You?>

About the author:

Michael Freeman

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