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14 wonderfully geeky parents who are doing it right

The force is with them all.

GEEK PARENTS ARE the best. Need some proof?

1. These gamers, starting their kid off on the proper level

1396-we-never-have-pictures-so-tovar_level1human_4moad Source: Partyviberadio

2. The creators of this glorious nursery

BPiGz9q Source: Imgur

3. This copy-pasting dad

hdq69Lm Source: Imgur

4. Vader’s latest victim

FU93BP0 Source: Imgur

5. Building blocks? Science genius

2-Periodic Source: Uncle Goose

6. The rents who made this room for themselves, more than anything

super_mario_bros_room Source: Geekmund.net

7. We bet it wasn’t even Halloween

Stay-Puft Source: Edgecast

8. :(

These-Fools-Put-My-Cape-On-Backwards-Baby-Bib Source: Atbreak

9. The creator of this must-have baby-grow

ea36_nap_for_that Source: Think Geek

10. The pair that knitted this hat set for a princess

4X4LtLK Source: Imgur

11. These Star Wars fans with an opportune surname

VPqZIF7 Source: Imgur

12. Bonus mention goes to this guy who has it all figured out

We won’t even comment on the name hashtag.

GPla6x9 Source: Imgur

13. This dad, who knows that heroes gotta eat

parenting-done-right-13 Source: The Chive

14. This programmer who believes in geek equality

awesome1 Source: Pleated-jeans

7 ways your parents TOTALLY ruined your teenage life>

15 amazingly innovative parenting tips you never knew you needed>

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