DEAR READER, I must confess that – like the people in the following video – I have never seen or read Harry Potter.
Here is my attempt at describing it:
- It’s about an orphan with a magic scar on his head
- He goes to boarding school with his sister (?) Hermione and his pal whose name I can’t remember. The red haired lad
- The red haired lad possibly gets it on with Hermione at some stage
- There’s a jack russell that lives under the stairs
- There’s a bad guy called Voldemort that looks a bit like a lemon with nostrils. You’re not supposed to say his name out loud
- There are screaming plants
- You say “wingardium scadavosa” to make a spell
- Gandalf teaches at the school
- There are different houses in the school and people are are allocated to the houses depending on how sound they are? Or what kind of spells they make?
- Somebody dies at the end. Harry maybe? The red haired lad?
- There’s a magic owl belonging to Dame Maggie Smith
There, that seems about right, doesn’t it?
Now listen to these people have a go: