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Everything you need to know RIGHT NOW about NeverWet


A SPRAY ON treatment that makes objects and surfaces repel liquid has been launched on the US market – and caused an internet sensation.

The term is “hydrophobic” and it basically means the product, called NeverWet, makes stuff resistant to water. Amazingly so. It has to be seen to be believed:


Here’s one of the many uses of the product – some canvas shoes repelling chocolate syrup. Mind-bending.

The creators of NeverWet also suggest that you could “make your own beer cooler” by simply coating a cardboard box with the freaky substance – which is just one of many uses we’ve been dreaming about all day. The product is made from silicone that coats surfaces and acts to deflect fluid by reducing surface tension. (Or something. It’s all a bit sciencey and complicated for our delicate brains.)

It has divided the internet, however. Kind of like Moses divided the Red Sea, except he used something a bit more supernatural than NeverWet.

On the one hand, one Imgur user proudly displayed their semi-hydrophobic footprints. Pretty awe-inspiring stuff.

Image: via Imgur

Whereas this Reddit user displayed her ruined dress. Still fairly awe-inspiring, but for an altogether different reason. This picture throws up the frankly distressing possibility that NeverWet might not actually be all it’s cracked up to be.

Image: via Deffie on Reddit

Here at DailyEdge.ie Towers, we certainly have our doubts. For one thing, in product demonstrations, the NeverWet crack team of research chemists waterproof an iPhone and dunk it in water – yet the instructions for the spray explicitly warn against doing this. What are they trying to hide here? Can we dunk our phones or can’t we?

And as one canny person pointed out, what the hell would happen if you got it on your tongue? Frankly, we’re not sure if humanity is ready for hydrophobia.

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About the author:

Fiona Hyde

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