IT’S TIME. CARLY Rae Jepsen, of Call Me Maybe fame, has released a new song.
And it is possibly the most unpleasant thing, visually and aurally, to be perpetrated upon the pop-listening public since NKOTBSB.
A collaboration with Owl City, Good Time is all about having a good time. As we learn, irrelevantly, that Carly has “dropped [her] phone in the pool again”, we see a gang of photogenic, multi-ethnic young folks singing things like:
Woke up on the right side of the bed
What’s up with this Prince song inside my head?
Which doesn’t even mean anything. All in all, it’s the most crushingly depressing attempt to cash in on our universal desire for friendship and human contact since whatever the last mobile phone commercial you saw was.
Look, it hurts us too much to explain why this song is terrible. Or maybe it just exposes the gaping, icy void where our joyful hearts should be. Either way, just watch it yourself: