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Everyone is sharing the New Yorker's wonderful cover tribute to Charlie Hebdo

The striking illustration will be the cover of the January 19 edition.

AFTER THE SHOOTING at the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo offices in Paris on Wednesday, tons of tributes started pouring in on social media. People all over the world–including many cartoonists–began expressing their solidarity with the magazine’s stand on freedom of expression using the hashtag #JeSuisCharlie.

The New Yorker magazine are putting one such illustration on the cover of their January 19 issue. The beautiful tribute to both the victims of the massacre and the city as a whole incorporates what has become an important symbol following the attacks–a simple pencil.

Entitled ‘Solidarité’, the cover has been shared thousands of times on social media after it was tweeted by the magazine earlier today.

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The image of the iconic Eiffel Tower was drawn by Ana Juan, who is a regular contributor to the New Yorker, as well as a children’s book illustrator.

The real landmark dimmed its lights at 8pm local time last night to mourn the loss of those killed in the attack.


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