Dublin: 11 °C Friday 7 March, 2025

4FM's Niall Boylan sent a reporter out to catcall women on the streets of Dublin

As part of a ‘social experiment’.

Updated 4.50pm

THE ISSUE OF catcalling and sexual harassment has come to the fore in recent months thanks to viral videos like this one.

Today 4FM’s Niall Boylan decided to conduct a social experiment of sorts.

Yes, he decided to send reporter Robbie Kane on to the streets of Dublin to catcall women and see what happened.

You know, for the craic.


As part of the social experiment, reporter Robbie Kane catcalled and whistled at women (and men, to be fair) on Henry Street.

Kane said things like, “You’ve got a lovely arse,” to passersby before apologising and asking for their reactions.

While the reaction from the women on the street was actually generally positive (“I think it’s great to be honest”), the reaction on Twitter was far from positive.

Boylan and Kane were accused of humiliating and intimidating women without taking into account the impact it could have on their self-esteem.

(Or indeed the fact that sometimes you just want to go about your day without a man approaching you to tell you that you have a ‘lovely arse’ while live on the bloody radio.)

Boylan addressed some of the criticisms on air and accused critics of being “headbanger feminists” who hide on Twitter.

You women really need to get a life.

He even went so far as to accuse some of the women complaining about the item of not being attractive enough to be catcalled on the street.

They wouldn’t get a kick in a stampede.

At one point, Boylan even suggested that it would be funny if Kane catcalled a female guard before conceding that it might get him arrested.

You don’t say, Niall.

This is not the first time Boylan has raged against feminists.

Earlier this week, he accused feminists of ‘abusing’ Chrissie Hynde following her comments about rape victims.


Niall Boylan and his team have issued a statement this afternoon.


For the record, we did listen.

This photo of an Irish flag at Creamfields will make you facepalm >

About the author:

Amy O'Connor

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