NICOLE KIDMAN DID an interview with Stylist magazine this week, as is the norm when you’re a celebrity.
In it, she speaks at length about her relationship with fashion – what she loves, what she doesn’t.
“I love men’s trousers with a t-shirt and a gorgeous watch,” she said. Not surprising, given that’s constantly collabing with watch line Omega.
Can’t see the video? Click here.
The interview goes on to discuss Nicole’s ‘fashion rules’, which seems like an absurd concept to begin with but anyway – she obliges.
My mum always said, ‘Never wear sweatpants outside the house.’ I’ve broken that rule, but I try not to.”
(Nicole’s mam wouldn’t be too impressed with my morning milk-run attire, then.)
My daughters are real girly girls and part of the ‘rules’ for picking them up from school is that I wear a dress. I showed up once in workout stuff and my youngest was mortified.”
Eh, pardon?
For years, the school gates have proven to be a battleground for internalised misogyny whereby the media dictated what was and wasn’t appropriate to wear and “how to look your best” so as to prevent the other mams slagging then.
Listen, we could get in to the issues with submissive attitudes towards women and unrealistic beauty standards, but let’s be honest – Nicole probably doesn’t think it’s that deep. Her mam probably enforced the rule as a way for them to always try and dress presentably, with no ulterior motives.
However, it has to be admitted that Nicole’s daughter’s reaction is a bit weird, right? Track suits and gym gear shouldn’t be beyond on the norm, nor should we shame anyone for wearing them beyond the treadmill. They’re just clothes. End of.