BLUR WILL BE in Dublin on 1 August to play their only gig in the UK on Ireland this year, but photos of the lads will be arriving well before them.
An event entitled Blur 21: The Exhibition will be taking up residency in the Irish Museum of Modern Art at the Royal Hospital in Kilmainham on Friday 26 August.
Seventy images spanning the band’s entire career will be on display, including work from Banksy, Pennie Smith, Kevin Cummins, Paul Postle, Tom Sheehan and Julian Opie.
The items include rare early memorabilia and photographs:
“We always worked well together to record events for prosperity. In hindsight this produced far more meaningful shots” © Paul Postle, 2012
Alternate early versions of the Blur logo by Stylorouge. The band’s famous logo has been consistently used since She’s so High © Stylorouge
Girls and Boys single cover design with Post-It note instructions from Dave Balfe from Food Records © Stylorouge
“It’s hard not to get a good photograph of Graham live. He’s captivating. His passion and energy always form the basis of exciting images” © Paul Postle, 201
The exhibition will be open daily from 12pm to 8pm from Friday 26 July to Thursday 1 August.