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Hey lads - this Brazilian town full of women is looking for a few good men

All the single ladies, all the single ladies…

SINGLE MEN OF Ireland, Brazil needs YOU!

The rural town Noiva do Cordeiro is populated and governed almost entirely by women. And they’re looking for some LADS.

Noiva do Cordeiro foi premiada por conhecer ... The ladies of Noiva do Cordeiro Source: Facebook

According to Yahoo News, its population is made up of 600 mostly single women aged 20 to 25. The town was founded by a woman who had been excommunicated from the church as an adultress – she formed a community with other single women and families.

Men from Noiva do Cordeiro leave once they come of age to work in the city, and only return at the weekends.

The remaining women, sick of the lack of good, unmarried men in the area, have put out an appeal for single lads to come and live in the town.

Quando elas querem ninguém segura. Source: Facebook

But Nelma Fernandes, a young woman living in the town, says they’re looking for a specific type of man (which may be hard to find):

We’d like to get to know men who would leave their own lives and come to be a part of ours. But first they need to agree to do what we say and live according to our rules.

The Telegraph reports that although they are looking for a few more men in the town, they think too many would spoil their “distinctive way of life”.

One of the residents, Rosalee Fernandes, says:

There are lots of things that women do better than men. Our town is prettier, more organised, and far more harmonious than if men were in charge. When problems or disputes arise, we resolve them in a woman’s way, trying to find consensus rather than conflict.

Erm, ladies? Can us girls join you instead of the lads? This sounds like UTOPIA.

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