EARLIER TODAY MUSIC publicist Eric Alper tweeted a question we all took a moment to ponder.
In no time, people were flooding Twitter with things they could say to confuse young people, and it stings to think they’ll never know the struggle.
@SkyChrisCreegan If it’s not working, take it out and blow on it
@PercyKaren making a mixed tape by recording the radio!
@CineramaGav Being disappointed that the free movie tie-in toy in the cereal box is one you have already.
@PMc276 we actually met other people by arrangement in town.
@galeforcerob puttin eircom callcards in the freezer to restore em (a myth that didn’t actually work).
@Colin_Francis Automatically getting a provisional drivers licence as soon as you turned 17. No theory test, no nothing. Here’s a piece of paper. Go drive!
@Antheap Being told to ‘go look it up in the encyclopaedia’ when you weren’t sure of a fact.
@QJPhillips not seeing your pictures until they’re developed.
@ArleneHunt Having to cycle to the village to use the phone box.
@mermaid77479 The youngest child being the “remote control” for the telly….changing between 4 channels.
@NineTails20 TV closing down for the night and the National Anthem being played.
@Grking you had to memorize EVERY SINGLE phone number to your friends’ homes.
@SkyChrisCreegan Don’t worry, I’ve got plenty of battery left on my phone, I charged it last Tuesday.
Those truly were the days.