REDDIT USER MUCTUR recently bought a Soundgarden album on vinyl.
But he got more than he bargained for when he opened up the record and found a beautiful note inside from the previous owner’s mother.
It read:
Just in case you want to know where this record this coming from: – I am Mark’s mother — Mark left us in 2002 — he suffered a heart attack at age 39 while running in the Oregon coastal mountains.
The only consolation we have is that he died in a beautiful place doing what he loved most, running, music and of course his son, Kai.
Mark collected this music in the 80s while attending college. I would ask him on occasion when he slepped all this music home (2000 CDs + over 600 vinyl LPs!) “What do you want me to do with all this music if something should happen to you?”
“Listen to it, Mom,” he would say.
Well, I did listen to a few but now it is time to share them. I am doing the best I can — doing research, listing, shipping, etc. — but it is good therapy for me to see this music being shared all over the world and the $s from it will go towards Kai’s education.
Thank you for your support and when you play it, play it loud for Mark!
The Redditor who uploaded the image wrote, “This record now has sentimental value, and I just got it. Definitely the most valuable record in my collection now.”