SETH KING IS a US father of five and he has one major problem – his kids are always horsing around in the house and it makes them late for school.
So, he has taken to writing out the most ludicrous late notes and sending them in to the teachers.
And they are excellent
He set up an Instagram account called Late Notes to document the letters and it’s going viral this week.
It’s essentially a long-running Dad joke
He told the Today show that he has his reasons for writing them:
I was getting bored with writing the same old excuse note, and it got to a point where I also wanted my kids to understand the shame they should be feeling for being tardy and putting on-time attendance at their school as a second-tier priority.
So, his kids are always late, and handing up these notes is their punishment
Such a Dad thing to do
Apparently the teachers think they are gas as well
Never stop, Seth.