Dublin: 10 °C Saturday 1 March, 2025

Nuns (including one pregnant one) protest Fifty Shades screenings in Sligo and Reading

God bless us.

IT WAS ONLY a matter of time before a Father Ted style protest appeared outside a cinema showing Fifty Shades, and yesterday it was the Wexford Omniplex in Drinagh which took the honours.

Now, a group of Sligo nuns have taken it upon themselves to say “down with this sort of thing” and “careful now” at the carry on of Christian Grey and Anastasia Steele.


sligo2 Source: Elaine Sweeney

Elaine Sweeney, who accompanied the nuns on their protest toldDailyEdge.ie that the sisters (one of whom is with child) “stopped a few lads and mortified them about going in”.

The nuns went in to see Fifty Shades for themselves of course “just out of protest”.

And what did they make of it?

Sister Patricia thought it was fierce.

Meanwhile, in Reading in the UK, three nuns/members of St Anthony’s football team were up in arms too:

fatherted Source: Grainne Riordan

21 honest thoughts I had while watching 50 Shades of Grey

Father Ted style protest outside Wexford cinema showing Fifty Shades of Grey>

About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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