INSTAGRAM IS CHOCK full of delightful shots of lovely scenery.
The now deleted account of Nutscapes had won itself some internet fame for taking those landscapes and adding a tiny, barely visible detail.
Yes, at the top of their photos you can just make out a little bit of ball sack
Their Instagram account had won itself some praise in the last few days – getting covered in both Mashable and The Daily Dot.
It’s quite obviously NSFW, so maybe that is why their Instagram account has been suspended
But the lads behind Nutscapes are none too happy with this development – telling The Daily Dot that Instagram is showing some serious double standards on this one:
We’d like to use this platform to push the concept of male vulnerability and the absurdity of IG allowing mostly naked models and nearly pornographic images all over their site, with hundreds of thousands of followers and paid marketing, but censoring a benign detail of the human flesh.
A detail that in most of our images remains obscured. A detail of a body part that doesn’t even have the necessary orifice that connects external to internal that seems necessary to even make it something adult or ‘censor worthy’.
The guys claimed that it was art – and once they were featured on a few more websites, Instagram sat up and noticed
They’re still going on Twitter though, with a landscape and philosophical quote going hand in hand with the balls
Will they win back their followers over on Twitter? Time will tell
This is peak bizarre social media experiment territory.