BARACK OBAMA HAS been having some time of it since leaving the most stressful job on the planet.
And there’s been plenty of photographic evidence to prove it:
But despite all the glowing photography doing the rounds, the former President hadn’t spoken in the public spotlight since handing over the reins of the White House to Donald Trump.
Yesterday, he broke his silence by speaking to high school and college students on stage in Chicago – and his opening line was delivered with deadpan brilliance:
“So, uh, what’s been going on since I’ve been gone?”
Oh, nothing.
The opening line was tweeted by MSNBC producer Kyle Griffin and has gone viral from there.
People have been missing that distinctive style
But fully aware that he’s seen it *all* in the last few months
Entirely not afraid to laugh at his own joke
No gags at this time, please
This is the face of your ex delivering a burn
You can read more from the full speech here and here, but that opening line might just be what the speech is remembered for
Barack Obama: former President of the USA and current Instagram Husband
Welcome back to the stage.