WHERE HAVE THESE things been all our lives?
1. Bedsheets with this label
Hours of unnecessary sweating and rage avoided with a single tag.
2. This pasta measuring tool
You either cook enough for a toddler, or enough for 7 burly men. There is no in-between. Until now…
3. Multi-position pillow
No more dead arms.
4. Pizza scissors
To be honest we fail to see how this trumps the good old fashioned pizza wheel cutter, but dammit we want one anyway.
5. Ben and Jerry’s ice cream lock
It’s not your Wadi… er ice cream.
6. Bed fan
No more of this on those warm nights:
Bed fan is our new best friend.
7. Toilet seat pedal
No more putting your fingers on the p*sscatcher that is the toilet seat.
8. Toothbrush/mouth rinser
Shut up and take our money.
9. Endless edge brownie tin
Adds two chewy, crispy edges to almost every brownie.