OCCUPY DENVER HAS bowed to demands to elect a leader by choosing a three-year-old border collie named ‘Shelby’.
The organisation, one of hundreds to spring up in cities worldwide protesting against capitalism, was asked by the Mayor of Denver to choose leadership in order to deal with city and state officials in Colorado.
Just how effective this particular move will be is not entirely clear.
A statement on Occupy Denver’s website reads:
Shelby is closer to a person than any corporation: She can bleed, she can breed, and she can show emotion. Either Shelby is a person, or corporations aren’t people,” said a Shelby supporter at the time of her election.
A video on YouTube (via madamecp) purports to show the Occupy Denver group proposing to make ‘Shelby’ the leader, describing her as part Cattle Dog and a resident of the city of Boulder:
The organisation invited the newly-elected leader to lead the group’s march against ‘Corporate Personhood’ in the city this weekend.
It is not known whether city officials will meet with ‘Shelby’ in the coming days.