LAST NIGHT A documentary about living with OCD in Ireland aired on RTÉ One.
OCD and Me told the story of some of the people in this country dealing with the debilitating condition on a daily basis.
The documentary opened many eyes to the struggle of obsessive compulsive disorder and highlight why comments about being “a bit OCD” or headlines like this…
… may not be appropriate or helpful.
Here’s why it’s important to understand the condition that affects 2-3 per cent of the Irish population:
It’s difficult to live with
Documentary director Adrian McCarthy told that while we all have our quirks…
… the difference between that and having something that is really obstructing you from living your life in a normal way, that is what OCD is.
It requires help and support
Using the term ‘OCD’ flippantly should be avoided
In fact, OCD Ireland recommends it
Meet Jacob
He suffers from Obsessive Compuslive Disorder. This is how it affects his life and those around him:
And Simon…
Whose OCD once had him believe he’d caused a road accident.
You can catch up on the important documentary OCD and Me on the RTÉ Player.