Dublin: 7 °C Sunday 9 March, 2025

10 oddly satisfying moments in every woman's day

It’s the little things.

YOU CAN’T BEAT these little moments, so don’t even try.

1. Taking off your bra after a long day


7xFQJOE Source: Imgur

2. Squeezing a blackhead

So disgusting but so cathartic.

280xNxBlackheadExtractor.jpg.pagespeed.ic._yo0iHaRyo Source: Bona-fide-skincare

3. Looking at pore strips when they come off your nose

I’m free of all that gunk!

hqdefault Source: Ytimg

4. Peeling a facemask off

Bonus points if a ton of it comes off at the same time.

giphy Source: Wp

5. Taking your makeup off and seeing this

Went to take off my makeup. Rested a remover-soaked cotton pad on my eye for a minute, and...#art Source: valerieloftus

6. Cleaning the hair out of your brush

Pulling that clump out with one swoop and the difference it feels on your head… unrivaled pleasure.

hair-brush Source: Blog

7. Washing makeup brushes

Foaming them up and watching all the shite come out… amazing.

PrettyGossip-Step-4-718x581c Source: Theultimateedit

8. Peeling nailpolish off in one strip

peeling-off-nail-polish-2 Source: Thoushaltnotcovet

9. Newly shaven legs on the duvet



10. Taking your hair out of a tight ponytail


catherine-deneuve-hair-gif Source: Wordpress

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