WHO KNEW WHEN we sat down at our desks this morning that we would be celebrating a potential new love match by the end of the day?
Lisa Coyne (which may or may not be her real name) a reader of TheJournal.ie responded to our article earlier which asked people if they fancy anyone in their office…
I do but haven’t acted on it however tempting it is, the strange thing is that he’s sitting about 10 feet away from me as I write this. (Heart pounding) :)
She soon revealed that the object of her affection was called Barry (also, no proof that this is his real name) and that she was considering asking him out, but lacked the confidence.
The romantic lot commenting on the story weren’t letting her away with that though…
That seemed to give Lisa a bit more confidence…
Thanks Pierce, I know someone who knows him that is definitely on The Journal so please don’t say anything to him, I will ask him tomorrow, I will keep you posted! (Heart almost out through chest and feeling a bit sick with nerves) :)
Tomorrow? Tomorrow is Valentine’s Day Lisa! Our hearts can’t take this!
The softies couldn’t wait until tomorrow though, and soon Lisa was promising to do something about it before the day was out…
I’ll ask him before 5 so, jeez, this is not good for me :)
And so we waited… with bated breath…
Finally, she spoke…
Hey guys this has to be the most random day ever, when we went on our tea break at 4 I was looking at my phone laughing at this thread, Barry asked me what’s up??!! And… :) :) :)
And I told him it was a funny post on the journal so then he asked me to show him, so I said ah why not here goes and I told him what was going on then I showed him. He couldn’t stop laughing and asked me why I didn’t say something before.
Long story short we are going for a drink tomorrow evening… Just the 2 of us!! :) :) thanks for such a brilliant day guys and for making me do it!! Happy much :) :)
Image: Gramilano.com
We’re hoping beyond hope that Lisa – or whoever she is – isn’t pulling our legs. We’re just too soft!