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Olympic fever is touching down... and 4 other weekend highlights

Another storm is coming, but fortunately we’ve got some suggestions which will make staying in A-OK.

WE’VE HAD SOME brief respite from the recent weather over the last couple of days, but alas there is another storm on the way.

Yes, that’s right, Storm Ruth is coming, and the weather forecast for the weekend is grim.  Sorry.  We’d change it if we could.

Chances are, so, that you’ll be spending some time with your telly this weekend, and we’ve got some recommendations for you.

If you’re feeling grim… Peter Kay: Live and Back on Nights (21:00, Fri, C4)

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This is part one of a two part documentary which goes behind the scenes on one of Peter Kay’s stand-up tours.

You are certain to laugh, banishing whatever stresses the week piled on you.

If you’re on the couch for the day… The Olympics (All day, Sat, BBC)

Sochi Winter Olympic Games - Pre-Games activity - Thursday Source: PA Wire/Press Association Images

The Olympics have officially kicked off, so you can enjoy coverage of the Winter events all day, alternating between BBC One and Two.

Snowboarding, skiing and figure skating are among the events happening in Russia on Saturday.

If you’re looking forward to Moone Boy… The Jonathan Ross Show (21:55, Sat, UTV)

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Our very own Chris O’Dowd is on Jonathan Ross this week, so watch and cheer (or moan if you’re not into him).

Kiefer Sutherland, Emily Mortimer and John Legend will also be there.

If you’re having a big Saturday night… Three Men and a Baby (15:30, Sun, C4)


What could be better for a sore and tired head than Three Men and a Baby?

NOTHING, THAT’S WHAT. Selleck’s moustache alone will heal you.

If you’ve got Scandi fever… Scandimania (20:00, Sun, C4)


Hugh Fearley-Whittingstall is off to Scandinavia to find out why Sweden, Denmark and Norway are the happiest countries in the world.

Surely we could learn a thing or two?

WATCH: Panti’s Noble Call discussed on BBC news>

6 classic TV shows available to watch for free on YouTube>

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