Dublin: 7 °C Monday 10 March, 2025

14 things you definitely don’t want to happen to you on a flight

These people must be stopped.

FLYING SHOULD BE a tolerable part of any trip – but not when you have to put up with this sort of carry on:

1. Like this heartbreaking scene

flight1 Source: Imgur

2. Or having to sit beside this for the whole flight

3. When a monster sits in front of you

hairtoday Source: Passenger Shaming Facebook

4. And their tentacles reach around to get you

anotherhair Source: Imgur

5. Imagine facing into this chewing gum for your whole flight

gum Source: Passenger Shaming

Ah here.

6. Or worse, sitting right on your arm rest

gumagain Source: Passenger Shaming

7. This relaxed person is the worst thing to happen to air travel

passengershaming Source: Passenger Shaming Facebook

8. Nothing can prepare you for the passenger who uses their pouch as a personal bin

GDIvO Source: Imgur

9. Or the air con being used to dry shoes

shmeonyou Source: Passenger Shaming Facebook


10. When someone sleeping is a legitimate distraction

sleeping Source: Passenger Shaming Facebook

11. Or the people that treat the overhead compartments as their own personal closets

closet Source: Facebook

12. When the backs of the seats were seen as the perfect drying tool

dryingout Source: Passenger Shaming

Everything was lost.

13. A pair of old dirty socks casually lodged into the side of a seat

usedsocks Source: Passenger Shaming

14. And finally… proudly displaying your feet at the top of the cabin for the world to see

feetup Source: Imgur


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More 18 steps to being an Irish lady>

About the author:

David Elkin

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