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On yer bike: What's the deal with naked cycling?

“It’s a floppy, lumpy hilarious event,” according to one participant.

Image: Stefan Rousseau/PA Archive/Press Association Images

THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE participate every year in naked cycling events in a range of cities around the world. Last year, naked cycling came to Cork, marking Ireland’s first ever participation in the World Naked Bike Ride, according to IndyMedia.

But what is it all about?

The World Naked Bike Ride was set up as an unusual form of protest against cars and oil-dependency. The people behind the event say that cyclists and pedestrians are constantly exposed to serious danger by cars while using on the road. They also promote sustainable energy.

With the motto ‘bare as you dare’, participants meet at a particular point and cycle in a group through the city streets. Being naked or partially clothes is encouraged, but is optional.

One thing the event definitely isn’t, according to participant Sarah Mirk in the Portland Mercury, is sexy. Mirk describes the naked cycle instead as “a floppy, lumpy hilarious event”.

Other places which have taken part in the naked cycling event are Cardiff, Berkeley, Halifax, Madrid, Brighton, London. If you fancy taking part in a naked cycling event, another is being planned in Cork for the 16 July. Organisers have posted more information here and say anyone who wants to take part can register by sending their name and phone number to myrebelcounty@gmail.com. Please note that the route will only be released to registered participants.

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