ONLINE DATING IS often serious craic, and has led to countless epic modern day romances.
But there are times when it is simply the WORST. Like:
1. When things escalated quickly
Not OK Cupid.
2. When this guy couldn’t even get that awful Dublin joke right
3. When this person used the plot of Titanic as a bargaining tool
4. And when penis gags are the worst thing ever
5. In fact, any mention of it is just bad
6. Anything can be sexy in the world of internet dating though
Nice opening line.
7. Chat history is always there as a reminder of you blanking them
8. This charming wordplay is always a winner too
9. And the cream of the crop will always let you know that’s what they are
Ah, modesty.
10. This opening line
11. And when all else fails, a one word request will do apparently
These people need their passes to the internet revoked for a little while. For the good of the world.