NEXT TIME SOMEONE disrupts your Twitter – sorry, work - day, spare a thought for the presenters of the BBC’s The One Show, Matt Baker and Alex Jones, who had their live broadcast temporarily interrupted by a loud fire alarm.
The culprit? Someone warming their tea in the microwave.
It all began during an interview with actress Tamsin Greig, when the unmistakeable sound of an alarm rang out, leading Alex Jones to exclaim “Ooh! I think that’s our fire alarm!”
As poor Tamsin sat looking like she was in fear of the studio being engulfed by flames, Matt Baker – in the voice of a man who’s soaked in flame retardant – said to her: “While we’ve got this fire alarm, I’ve got a very odd question for you – what do you get when you cross cows and bats?”
You could almost hear Tamsin’s knees knocking together as she ventured: “Cows and bats? Battle?”
Finally – as thousands of viewers (probably) screamed “get out!” at their screens – Alex announced they were going “to pop out”.
A still calm Matt – was it his tea? – grinned. “Hopefully we’ll see you in a little while.”
Later that night, Alex tweeted:
“We’re all safe and well!!! Somebody was warming their tea up and the microwave set off the fire alarm!
Once the microwave user was discovered, we can only assume they were put on kettle duty for the week.