GOOD THINGS OFTEN only come around only every four years – the Olympic Games, the soccer and rugby World Cups, US Presidential Elections (well, those things excite us here at TheJournal.ie and TheScore.ie).
Leap years are also welcomed by many a lady across the world who wants to ask her man for his hand in marriage.
The tradition is believed to have started in 5th century Ireland when St. Patrick heard complaints from St. Brigid about having to wait too long for a man to propose. According to the legend, backing down on his original seven-year plan, Patrick said that such women could propose on 29 February.
Some folklore stories go further, stating that if the man refuses, he owes his girl one pound, a silk gown or gloves and a kiss (what would that be taking inflation into account?).
A more legal argument for the tradition explains that as Leap Year day was ignored in English law, then traditions should have no status either. That anomaly was used by women to correct an unjust and one-sided tradition.
But what do you think? Is the idea of the woman proposing on Leap Year day completely romantic or a complete load of ….
Can you make the argument for or against “popping the Q” better than these two Americans? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.