WE’RE A FIERCE nosy bunch round these parts.
Whether you’re at work, working from home, relaxing or up to no good, if you’re in the vicinity of your desk, workspace or table, we want to know what kind of objects you’ve got lying around.
Are you lucky enough for it to be puppies?
via Imgur
Something to make you feel old?
via Imgur
The results of a prank?
Image: BBC
In the interest of full disclosure, here are some of the things hanging around the desks at TheJournal.ie, DailyEdge.ie and TheScore.ie Towers.
A motivational quote
Michael D
An apple cosy
A snack and a sliotar
A tractor
Some One Direction gel pens (don’t act like you’re not impressed)
A rubix cube
Pocket Sarah Palin
The 9 at 9
A fabled TheJournal.ie mug
What’s in front of your face as you go about your day?
Tell us in the comments, send us a picture to tips@dailyedge.ie, or tweet @DailyEdge, and satisfy our curiousity…