YESTERDAY, IT WAS widely reported that John Spinello, the inventor of board game Operation, was raising money for for own operation.
Spinello invented the game back in 1964 and sold the prototype for $500. Milton Bradley subsequently licenced the idea and the popular board game was born.
Fifty years later, Spinello has found himself in financial straits and in need of $25,000 to pay for an operation. And so, a crowdfunding campaign was set up on his behalf to raise the much-needed funds earlier this week.
Much has changed in 50 years. John has had a good life, but has admitted to us that he is struggling to pay his bills and is in need of a medical procedure without sufficient insurance coverage. We launched this Crowdrise fundraiser to call on anyone who has ever played and loved Operation to send John a note and maybe, a monetary gift of appreciation.
As of this morning, the fundraiser had reached its $25,000 goal. The current total stands at $25,250.
Tim Walsh, the organiser of the campaign, thanked donors for their support.