Dublin: 13 °C Sunday 23 February, 2025

6 pictures that will mess with your mind

They’re not tricks…they’re illusions.

doublefaced Source: Sebastian Bieniek

HERE’S ONE TO get your brains working again after Arthur’s Day.

In the picture above, German artist Sebastian Bieniek painted two faces on either side of his model’s face with makeup.

The result is a creepy “double faced” effect that certainly supplies heebie-jeebies in bulk.

Here are some more pictures that force you to look twice.

There’s no lake in this photo.

lake Source: Tumblr

Wha? Tilt your head to the right. Ohhh.

One face? Two faces? 

Two-Face-Optical-Illusion-c Source: Moillusions

Looks like an extremely hazardous mountain walkway.

tumblr_mtpfcrTbvc1r7ucwyo1_500 Source: Tumblr

No it’s not, this lad is merely balancing on his side on the Great Wall of China. The trickster.

Who’s holding who?

Who_is_holding_who_optical_illusion Source: Moillusions

Either way, it’s still one of the most awkward photos ever taken.

Wow! Is that a huge underwater waterfall?

waterfall Source: KULfoto

Nope. It’s just sand and silt deposits giving the illusion of one. Sorry.

Magical floating platform, or shadows playing tricks on your eyes?

bZDGr Source: Imgur

If you’re feeling a bit bemused after this post, don’t worry. Cats get stumped by optical illusions too.

tumblr_mtp0607Tfg1qli5ceo1_400 Source: Tumblr

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